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Tramonto Racing
First racing training session 2007, Sviestad, April 7th
(click each image icon for enlargement)

lf_11 lf_12 lf_14 lf_15 lf_16
loading the team
lf_17 lf_18 pa_1 pa_2 pa_5
unloaded refueling
S40_11 S40_5 S40_6 S40_7 S40_10
the compulsory tarpaulin shadows from the beauty (i.e. the car) chair, belts and com
S40_08 S40_09 S40_12 S40_13 S40_14
more fuel even more fuel it must be full now! computerized evaluation
s40_4 s40_22 s40_23 s40_24 s40_25
Kalle works concentration
S40_15 S40_16 S40_17 S40_18 S40_19
ready for race sun dazzle
pa_7 pa_8 pa_20 S40_21 pa_11
safety belts on a new oil cooler tube
pa_12 pa_13 pa_14 pa_15 pa_16
pit stop chock absorber fine tuning happy deputy team manager
pa_18 pa_21 pa_22 pa_23 pa_25
mechanic straight back Lars in the sun
pa_28 pa_29 pa_30 pa_31 pa_32
Magnus thinking driver exchange
pa_34 pa_35 pa_36 pa_37 pa_38
go team manager order acceleration change gear full speed
pa_39 pa_41 pa_42 pa_43 pa_45
mandatory team prayer time mission completed loaded again

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